How To Perform A Crossover In Basketball

The term “crossover” is very straightforward. It’s actually a matter of crossing the ball across your body from 1 hand to the other hand. This is most likely the most amazing move that’s conducted on a defensive player inside the game of ball. The entire point of this however is to isolate yourself from your competitor which is defending you to arrive at the hoop for the layup as well as to get your shot off uncontested which often improves your likelihood of making it. When you are applying this move, it’s imperative to make certain that it is compelling enough to sell the fake to the defensive player. The fake is conducted by leaning in the direction that you’d like the defensive competitor to go before you cross the basketball over. Some players label this the “killer crossover” and is predominantly used by the guards in basketball usually at the senior high school level and higher.

This move is incredibly powerful if done in the right way, and may send the defensive player back on their heels, losing balance, shifting to the side that you faked on which results in space, or falling down which will put them out of the play. Visitors love to observe this move being carried out on somebody, and it’s a lot better if this leads to points on the scoreboard.

Before you even start to work on this move, it is advisable to make sure that you can dribble with both of your hands and you’re comfortable doing it. Bear in mind if you can only use one hand then not only are you limiting your skill as a offensive athlete, but you will not be able to perform this move and make it effective on the person guarding you. At some point in time of the move, the ball is going to be in your weak hand which is why you want to develop it into a strong one.

As mentioned previously, the fake is very important in this move. This is where the move gets its power. Now to perform the fake, you first want to take a wide but comfortable step towards the faking side to make the defender think you’re going that way, you also want to be looking towards that direction, as well as having the ball out towards that direction make sure that you do not carry the ball or you will in be violation of the rules. Also make sure that you’re down lower than your defender. All of this is done in one motion, and all of this is done in an attempt to make the defender think you’re going to drive, then simply crossover and go the other way.

Needless to say there is a balance when it comes to making this move effective on the defender. Remember, you want him to think that you are going to drive to the side you’re faking on. However, you do not want to perform this move so quickly that he cannot react to it, and you do not want to perform it so slow that he will be able to recover to stop you if he does bite on the fake. This may take some getting used to, so get the motion down first, and then attempt this on defenders in pickup games.

Something to take into account as well is the proper spacing which is necessary between you and the individual defending you. You want to perform this move farther than an arms length away, this eliminates your chances of getting the ball stolen. Since this move is done in the back court or perimeter, if a steal happens it usually leads to points for the other team. The reason is because when you cross the ball over and the defender sticks his hand out and hits the ball, the ball will go behind you, and because your momentum is going forward, you will be out of the play which will lead to easy points. It’s virtually very unlikely to get back into the play when this happens, unless you’re a lot faster than the person with the ball. So keep in mind not to do this move if you’re too close to the defender, and make sure that you’re in a controlled dribble stance with the ball bouncing no higher than waist level.

Thank you so much for looking through this valuable page on how to do a basketball crossover

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